March 28, 2014

March 27 PTA Meeting

This is a brief message about the information discussed at the PTA meeting.

  • Because of Foodtown receipts, we have earned 42,000 points.  Mr. Chapman will be looking at the items to purchase with these points.  If we don't use them, we lose them.  This program runs from September through March each year.
  • Cindy Clark, the PTA Bingo Night chairperson is looking for someone to co-chair this committee with her next year and then take it over the following year because her children will move on to the junior high.  If you are interested in co-chairing this event with Cindy, please let one of the officers know.
  • Our Blood Drive was very successful this year.  Forty-six units of blood was donated.  This is enough to help 138 people.
  • PTA earned over $6,000 Scholastic points to purchase books because of the Book Fair.  They plan to divide these points between the media center, teachers, and birthday book club.
  • We have earned $3,445 because of Boxtops for Education and 63,121 points for Campbell's soup labels.
  • Mr. Chapman reported the first DADS day was a great hit.  There were over 30 dads representing 60 students.  We know this program will only grow bigger!
  • The Fun Run is May 2.
  • The Family Movie Night is also May 2.  This event will take place at Jackman Road Elementary.  PTA has rented an inflatable 42 inch screen to watch "The Nut Job."  The cost of this event is being split between JRE PTO and MRE PTA.  There is no cost to families.  It is a family event so students cannot be dropped off and picked up at a later time.  Bring your own blankets, chairs, and snacks.  Look for information to come home about this event.
  • MRE's first ice cream social will be May 28 from 6-8 p.m.
  • Todd Schultz shared information about the Bond vote on May 6.
  • Mr. Chapman presented the recently released 2013 MEAP scores and the current state of MRE.
  • Our next PTA meeting will be May 8 at 7:00.  This is also a Pizza Primo night.

February 20, 2014

March Events

March 3 - 7 is Book Fair Week.  Your child will preview the book fair on either Monday or Tuesday and the have the opportunity to purchase books on either Wednesday or Thursday.  Each classroom teacher signs up for these dates.  Look for a note from your child's teacher about this.

Family Reading Night is March 4 @ 7:00 p.m.  Come see PTA and MRE teachers act out books.  The book fair will also be open at this time for you to browse and/or purchase books.  This is always a fun night!

New Winter Family Bingo Date

New Date!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 21 @ 6:30 - 8:00
MRE gym
Hope to see you there!

February 10, 2014

Reminders for Upcoming Events

Remember to sign up for the Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, February 12, from 2:00-7:00 p.m.

Pizza Primo night is Thursday, February 13, from 4:00-8:00 p.m.  Help win a pizza party for your child's class!

Splash Universe in Dundee in Sunday, February 16, from 6:00-9:30 p.m.  There is no school the next day because of Presidents' Day!

The rescheduled Family Bingo Night is Friday, February 21, at 6:30 p.m.

Remember to continue sending in boxtops for education, Campbell's soup labels, Tyson, SunnyD, and Kroger Plus cards to help earn money for MRE.  Also Food Town receipts can be saved.  Bring them into the school office or put them in the MRE box at the store.  This is for the Temperance Food Town only!

For more information, check out PTA online by liking Monroe Road Elementary PTA on Facebook; on the school's website:; Michigan PTA:

January 14, 2014

The next PTA meeting is January 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the MRE media center.  The topic of discussion is upcoming events.  Also, we will be asking for anyone interested in running for a position on the executive board.  We will also be raffling off a PTA VIP parking spot for one lucky winner in attendance at the meeting.  Free childcare is available!

SAVE THE DATE--February 16 (5:30-9:30)
MRE @ Splash Universe, $10 a swimmer
Look for more information to be sent home soon!

Winter Family Event Bingo Night
Friday, January 24
This is a free event!  There are lots of prizes, music, and fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The class with the highest percentage of students in attendance wins a pizza party!  Nut-free snacks and drinks will also be provided!

WOW, it sounds like many fun activities coming up for MRE families!

December 13, 2013

Please consider donating to the MRE food drive.  Currently there is a competition between the boys and girls.  Mr. Chapman has challenged the students to bring in canned food goods.  The girls are currently winning!  Please send in a canned food good with your child.  Let's see if the boys can turn this competition around!

Splash Universe

PTA has come up with a fun winter activity.  Go swimming in February!  On Sunday, February 16, 2014, PTA in holding an event at Splash Universe from 6:00-9:30.  The charge is $10 per swimmer.  There is no charge for spectators.  There is no school the next day due to President's Day.  Watch for details to come home in your child's Monday communicator.